What I’ve learned at 40…


I’ve learned that 40 really isn’t that old

and not to believe everything I’ve been told

the older I get, the faster time goes

and the wiser I get, the more I know I don’t know

I’m a mom, and a singer- but those aren’t the things

that define me because I’m a child of the King!

I’ve learned it is better to give than receive

and when I focus on others, the blessing’s on me

I’ve learned that it’s better to wait on the Lord

than to simply do things on my own accord

As a mom, I’m still learning to love and be stern

and I’m learning I’ve still got a lot more to learn!

I’ve learned that money doesn’t measure success

and no earthly treasure will make me feel blessed

As a wife, I’ve learned marriage is a marvelous ride

and it’s been a great joy having him by my side

I’m learning that life is too short to hold grudges

and each day I get better at heeding His nudges

As a kid I could not wait to be on my own

but now that’s the opposite of what I’ve been shown

I’m learning to trust and to always depend

on Jesus for everything– He’s my best friend 🙂

Every day that goes by is a blessing to me

and yes- I’m STILL singing because I am free!

Image result for i sing because I'm happy pic

I am turning 40 on June 9th.  After dreading this number all year, it has turned out to be the most awesome birthday EVER!  I haven’t even officially turned 40, and it has already been so great!  We took an awesome vacation to Florida a couple of weeks ago, I had an amazing surprise (early) birthday party at my church, I traded in my mommy-mobile (my minivan) for a newer car, we voted in a new lead pastor at our church after an entire year of waiting, and my hubby is taking me away this weekend for a belated anniversary/ birthday celebration! Oh, and I also reached my goal weight today 🙂

God is good!!  I am thankful and so very BLESSED!!



7 thoughts on “What I’ve learned at 40…

  1. 40

    For 120 years (40×3), Noah prepared an ark
    Then it rained for 40 days and nights
    Moses was up on Mount Sinai for 40 days
    Receiving from God, from the heights

    For 400 years, Israel was in bondage
    Then they wandered for 40 years
    Ezekiel lay on his side for 40 days
    To pantomime of future fears

    There were 400 years from Babylon to Jesus
    Then Jesus was tempted for 40 days
    There were forty years from the crucifixion to Israel’s demise
    In God’s mystical, mathematical ways

    And 40 writers were moved by God’s spirit
    From different cultures and centuries
    The living Word never ceases to amaze me
    In synchronicity, in continuity, it agrees

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happiest of B-days to you!!! At 50, I ran my 5-K, took my hot air balloon ride, and I think that’s when I did my first 50-mile bike ride (in one day)!! Go girl!! So what’s up for 60???


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