Emptied to be Filled


Blessings abound

When I give what I’ve found

Emptied so I can be 


Each moment I find

Greater peace of mind

When I obey Him 

And follow His will 

Last spring I found an abundance of 4 leaf clovers. This year- not so much.  I found one a few weeks ago as I was talking with a friend in my driveway, and I gave it to her. 

Every day I take the same walk- always scanning clover patches as my dog sniffs and tarries. Usually I am talking to God and praying, but the other day I started thinking- where have all those clovers gone? Am I just not looking in the right place? Am I giving up too easily? It is easy to do things when you get immediate results. When you have to put time into it, well…sometimes it doesn’t seem worth the effort. 

But for some reason, I had to find one 4 leaf clover that morning. I searched, I talked to God, and when my dog was ready to move on, I tarried…and just the moment I felt like turning away- there it was! A beautiful, humongous 4 leaf clover- standing tall above the rest of them- like it had been planted there just for me.

As soon as I picked it, I saw an elderly man walking towards me.  Give him the clover! I heard a little voice within me say. What if he thinks I’m weird? I argued back. Just do it! You will regret it if you don’t! And like that, it was settled. 

As I continued walking, the elderly man approached me. “It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it!” he greeted me.

“It sure is!” I smiled and extended my hand to give him the 4 leaf clover. “It’s going to be a great day,” I told him. “This is for you!” He grinned a child-like grin as he reached for the 4 leaf clover, and we parted ways. 

I glanced down at my feet, and much to my surprise- there was another 4 leaf clover waiting for me. Isn’t it funny that I would walk for weeks and not find a single one- but the minute I find one and give it away- He multiplies it?

When we empty ourselves- He fills us up again! 

And if you look for it as silver and search for it as hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.-Proverbs 2:4-5

10 thoughts on “Emptied to be Filled

  1. Reblogged this on Journey With Jesus and commented:
    Do we empty ourselves so HE is able to fill us to overflowing? In this state of overflowing, we touch those around us by giving freely what HE has given us. As we continue to freely give, HE continues to fill us back up. What a beautiful cycle to enjoy and share.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. that didn’t come out right..haha I meant to say I am a big sinner despite all and enjoy some things in life I should not so much of..I will not elaborate, but I know God knows all my needs and has me figured out!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for reading, and for your encouragement :). As I walk this journey with Him I have often looked for those “big” God moments…but He is teaching me that He is speaking even through the little moments. God is faithful in every way!! Bless you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree Julie. I’m in my sixties and still I am learning to cherish all the little moments in my life.

        Hope your day is full of Jesus


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