The Water’s Edge


A little house on the sound of the Outer Banks…

 I dream of living

on the water’s edge

where my fears and faith are met

I dream of standing

on a ledge

where His strength is my safety net

I dream of leaving 

the water’s edge

to be in the center of His will

I dream of sailing 

beyond the edge

where His presence will calm me still.


He paints a stunning sunset behind this little house every evening…

 While we were away last week on vacation, I was mesmerized by this little home perched in the sound. It’s one thing to build a house on the edge of the water, but to build it in the water??

But can you imagine- waking up every morning, surrounded by the sounds of the water? And going to sleep with the setting sun’s brilliant hues streaming through your picturesque windows?  I bet the whole house glows in the twilight.


 Honestly, the thought of living in the water is a little scary to me.  About 10 years ago, I remember God very clearly asking me to do something.  When I tell you what it was- it’ll seem so silly… but for me it was terrifying.

During a worship service, the pastor asked us all to bow our heads and take the hand of the person next to us and pray silently.  I was at the end of my row, and I noticed an elderly gentleman in the row ahead of me.  There was no one beside him to grab his hand, and I clearly felt the Lord telling me to reach out and take his hand.

The ridiculousness that ensued in my head at that moment was just mind-boggling.  What if he thinks I’m strange?  or what if he doesn’t want to hold my hand?  what will my family think if I move to the next row to hold his hand?  why can’t I stop thinking about this when I’m supposed to be praying?!  

And like that, the prayer was over.  I didn’t pray- and I didn’t obey either.  It was such a simple request from Him… just hold his hand- let Him know that he is loved by ME…and I still remember the sinking pit in my stomach that I felt from NOT DOING that simple thing.

If only I could stop asking so many questions… if only I would stop being afraid of what might happen, of what someone else might think… I’m convinced that His blessings are so much greater than my fears could ever be.

So this little house reminded me that I don’t want to live on the edge of the water- but to live IN it- to follow Him and be in the center of His will at all times- pushing aside any fear I might have.

I want to live ALL IN!

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”  John 8:12

18 thoughts on “The Water’s Edge

    • Thank you so much for thinking of me and nominating me, Alesia :). I shall pop over to visit your blog and read your questions and answers! That is my favorite part about those- learning more about all these fantastic writers :).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Back to my roots . I grew up Lutheran and feel like I have gone home. My husband was a AG minister and I was a pastors wife. The story of my journey is incredible that I am even back in church. Jesus is the only answer but I live now in complete freedom in a church that accepts all without judging and believe me I saw so much judgment. I can not and will not allow that in my faith and how I treat are loved by your approach


  1. Julie it is so scary to step out of our comfort zone and love like God wants us to. The fear of what others might say or think. As I have grown older this does not seem to bother me as much. Not that you need to wait to be old to be obedient to God. Step out my sister you will cause others to follow your lead. God need the strong and courageous few to be that lamp. Lord give Julie courage and boldness from you to love those around her the way you want her to Lord. This way she will be joyfully filled for your glory through being obedient to you.

    Much love Tom

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tom -thank you so much for your words of encouragement, and for that beautiful, heart-felt prayer! He is teaching me to listen and obey- and not worry about the outcome. For so long I had my own expectations of how I thought people should react, or what others should do- and the more I release that to Him, the more at peace I am. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus…but to trust and obey”! (Hugs)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “I want to live ALL IN!”

    As I read your wonderful post, that final phrase and this post came together. How so often what “I want” – through guidance, discernment, all of that – so often is stapled to fear. And here is this little house on the water: how did they do that? And that “I want” has to be unclipped from fear. That “I want” has be “I will” has to be “I can” has to be “I do” and then becomes “I am”.

    (learning the size and shape of my constricting comfort zones as I type that!)

    Thank you!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “I want…I will…I can…I do…I am”… The Great I AM in each of us!! A wonderful friend of mine often says that we want God’s will but we want it OUR way….instead of Gods will His way! Apart from His Spirit I am not capable of that. And now I am singing another song..”Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders…” Thank you, Paul 🙂


  4. Julie,
    I have known since the beginning of your call to ministry. I can only imagine the lives you have touched through your kindness, love of people, your love for music and your overwhelming desire to help hurting people. I know your struggles, and I am here to tell you just how much you have grown through them. I have watched you bloom where you are planted, and I know God has great plans for you.

    Thank you for being a wonderful friend regardless of our age difference. You are to me the second daughter I never had, and you will always hold a very special place in my heart. After all it was during an altar call where your beautiful voice allowed me to hear the call of God on my life, and I will never be the same because of it.

    You have nothing to fear. It is apparent that God walks with you!!!
    Blessings to you on this very special day. Kathy


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